
Sunday, July 16, 2006

Speaker Gingrich makes sense!

Newt Gingrich might be a lightning rod for the left and many on the right may still be disappointed in his failed speakership but Americans of all stripes should take some time to listen to him now.

A common theme with many thought leaders from Tom Friedman to Mort Zuckerman is the lack of leadership quality in any of our current crop of politicians. I agree. It seems that no one is willing or able to really confront the many staggering issues facing our nation and the world. All of them are more interested in pandering to their respective bases rather than offering solutions that require tough decisions and bold approaches. All except Newt Gingrich. Here are just a few examples:

  1. On the deplorable track record of training new math and science majors in our education system he offers this solution. Offer to pay (that's right pay a salary) inner city and other disadvantaged youths a substantial wage to go to school and major in math and science. The wage would be well above minimum, more than they'd make flipping burgers and substantial enough to keep them out of the drug trade and crime. He makes the point that the cost would be lower by far than trying to support a welfare underclass or incarcerate those who would instead go afoul of the law. We would help underprivileged people make it to the mainstream and enjoy the fruits of America and at the same time begin to repair the science gap that is widening between the U.S. and our new global competition i.e. China, India and Eastern Europe.
  2. On the alliance between Iran, Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah that launched the current attacks on Israel he says -- confront them. Aid the substantial opposition to Mullah rule in Iran. Give them resources to overthrow Ahmadinejad and his despotic crowd. Make our opposition clear and stop the current test the wind strategy that shows us as a weak opponent to despotism.
  3. On North Korea he would consult with Japan and South Korea and then make it clear that if Kim Jong il puts an intercontinental missile on the launch pad we will destroy it. Period.

Gingrich makes the point that it's a new world and facing the challenges is not going to take partisan business as usual approaches. Rather we need new bold approaches based on intellect not pandering. I wonder how Friedman and Zuckerman and any readers might view Newt's ideas?
