
Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Bush, North Korea and Democrats

You've got to give the Democrats one thing. They tend to stay on message. North Korea is an example. In the past week or so I've heard a number of Democrats say that Bush coulds have achieved a break through with Kim Jong Il if only he would have opened the door to unilateral talks 5 years ago. I watched Chris Dodd and Joe Biden on separate occasions look directly into the camera and mouth this absurdity. On neither occasion were the Senators challenged on the statement by either interviewer - Tim Russert and Judy Woodruff. The fact of the matter is that the North Koreans have been playing the US like a fiddle for years under the unilateral approach of the Clinton administration. It was not until Bush drew the line in the sand and insisted on multilateral talks including South Korea, Japan, China and Russia all major players in the region that the North Koreans began to pay attention. China exerts great influence and when they made it clear that a nuclear armed rogue nation on their border was not acceptable the lunatics in the North began to pay attention. Once it was clear that all of these countries and not just the US were insisting on the North backing off nukes unilateral talks between the US and Kim could take place and a solution could be agreed on. I've noticed that if Democrats repeat lies long enough we tend to accept them as reality. I don't. And I hope more people will pay attention to the facts. Don't rely on the major media to point out discrepancies. Rick


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