
Friday, November 30, 2007

Why no Leaders?

Why no Leaders? Our republic seems to have devolved into a political quagmire where all of the candidates recognize that substance is not important. Sound bites and smiles carry the day. The instant media attention and coverage is getting out of hand. If I didn't know better I'd think it was a two person race for the Democrats. It's Hilary and Barack a liberal's dream. A black man against a woman! It doesn't get any better than that for the NYT, AP and the crowd at NBC's networks. It's as if Biden, Dodd, Richardson and the rest of the bunch don't even exist. The Democrats have a broken record message--- it's all Iraq. There's no other issue. The Republicans are just as bad or maybe worse. I'll admit that the limited government approach that used to be the Republican mantra fits my philosophy. The problem is most of the GOP folks in the race have sold out on that issue along with President Bush. McCain, Rudy, Thompson? No way. Huckabee is a guy I trust, but he's a big government guy.

Where is a leader who is going to solve the one single biggest problem we have? It's ENERGY stupid. If we were not reliant on OIL we would not have terrorism, Middle East wars, air pollution, global climate change—you name it. I'm beginning to think that our only chance is to bring in an outsider who has not been an accomplice to creating the mess we're in. Someone who has not been a part of the problem. I love it when these guys start reciting their accomplishments after years in Congress or as a mayor or governor. It seems to me that the more time you have in the federal government the less qualified you are as a leader. Hey you're the reason we are at the brink Senator. You've been playing the Washington power game so long you actually believe you've got something to offer.

The one guy who is beginning to look good to me besides Ron Paul (he can't win or I'd vote for him) is ------ yes Mitt Romney. If he would only come out swinging on energy. Anyone who addresses that issue forcefully has my vote unless of course it's a Democrat. Rick